Founded in 1987 and based in Brussels Belgium, Eurofins Scientific has become an international group with over 375 laboratories worldwide employing about more than 30,000 staff and providing dedicated analytical services for variety of industries,like pharmaceutical, food, toys, softlines, environmental, industrial, electrical and consumer product industries to various clients including governments. Eurofins has also become a public listed company for 10+ years reaching EUR 2.54 billion in annual revenues.With initial years of experience operating in Brussels, Eurofins has decided to accelerate its pace of investment in global to embrace great opportunities driven by strong economic growth as well as to satisfy growing needs of its international clients. In the past 20 year's quick development, Eurofins has formulated strong entrepreneurial culture supported by its people leadership philosophy. With such a leadership direction, we will build our teams in China in the similar way to attract talented people and to allow our people to grow with the company growth. website: http://www.eurofins.cn/CPT 欧陆集团是国际著名的检测认证机构,在食品、药品、环境、电子电器、工业机械和纺织品和玩具等诸多产品领域提供专业的检测认证和技术支持服务。目前,欧陆集团的业务分支遍布世界41个国家,拥有超过375个实验室,30,000多名员工。欧陆集团掌握逾13,000多种可靠的分析测试方法,可以提供生物物质及其制品的成分、纯度、元素组成和原产地检测的测试服务,同时还提供消费产品(电子电器、纺织品和玩具等)的安全和性能的检测认证服务。 网址(中国):http://www.eurofins.cn/CPT 2009年,Eurofins锁定亚洲市场,在上海投资建立实验室。欧陆上海获得了CNAS认可, CPSC, CBTL, ZLS, CMA等国内外多项资质,及国家质检总局颁发的进出口商品检验鉴定资质,主要从事电子电器、消费品、工业项目等检测认证。经过近几年的发展,随着业务量不断扩大,在2013年,杭州分公司成立,位于杭州市滨江区滨安路1180号华业高科技产业园。于2013年底获得CNAS证书,目前主要从事于纺织品、玩具检测认证服务。欧陆集团在中国业务的迅猛发展,国际资质日趋完备,客户认可度不断提高,迅速奠定了欧陆集团在中国第三方检验检测行业中的国际认证地位。如果您能成为我们的员工,我们将为您提供: 优良的工作条件和环境 优厚的薪酬和福利待遇 带薪假期 极具灵活性的个人职业发展空间 稳定性高的行业 加入欧陆,必将成为您正确的职业选择!